Sunday, 11 March 2007

It was the best of times...

Jaune HeatleyHello. My name is Jaune Heatley, and I am a writer and director for Bear & Beyond. Hopefully you will enjoy some of my offerings in the near future. In addition to that I am undertaking a shameless attempt to encourage extra funding for Bear films, by taking a look at the state of human films over the years. I will be reviewing every film on the IMDB bottom 100 list. Being a fan of low budget and most genre movies I will not prejudge these films because of their status. What I’m looking to see is whether they deserve to be where they are.

IMDB bottom 100 no.76-100Here’s how it works. On 1st February 2007 I took a snapshot of the bottom 100 list. You can see part of it here [click for bigger picture]. Next I start watching them from number 100 onwards. Some of these films are understandably hard to get hold of. It took 4 weeks to get Werewolf flown in from the US. Anyone who regularly looks at the list will see it changes quite frequently. So at natural breaks I will update the snapshot and continue watching from whatever number I am at. Reviews will be posted here counting down from No.100 right to the very depths of the No.1 worst movie of all.

First review coming soon…

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